Sweet Good Night Quotes Images for Friend
End the day with a posltive thought. No matter what happened today, l let it slide into the abyss and wash awazy with the sun of tomorrow.
Love is unpredictable. Love is painful. Love is weird. Love is new. Love is strange. Love is wonderful. Love is a beautiful. But love is love and it doesn't matter with whom you share it with or how you share it. I love you, you are mine<3 goodnight.
It is commonly said that the rest is sweat after work. Tonight, I wish you sweet dreams & refreshing night in your spirit, soul & body.
Let the sheep jump over the moon as you count them until your eyes close shut, knowing tomorrow is filled with adventure.
It's been a long day and I just said goodnight to the love of my life. I'll catch you all on the flip side! Sleep well baby! I love you and have sweet dreams about me.
That is an awkward moment when your friends are so far gone that they don�t even know how to go to sleep and with that they said.

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.
The true secret of having a deep sleep is to dare and dream big for the next morning. The secret of living a happy life is waking up in the morning and chasing those dreams, and then dreaming all over again at night. This is the circle of success. Good night.
When you stop smoking weed you get some really weird crazy dreams that seem so real.
Day come only after the night so sleep knowing that when you wake a better day awaits.
�How did it get so late so soon? It�s the night before its afternoon. December is here before it�s June. My goodness, how the time has flown. How did it get so late so soon?� Good night.
Goodnight everybody. Hopefully I don't have another dream with Lady Gaga and Britney Spears because that was awkward.
Let your mind weave into your subconscious. Your dream will be filled with the beautiful castles your mind creates.
You will be the last thing I think of before I fall to sleep and First thing to remember when I wake up.
Dreams are the best part of life; if you miss sleep you missed the best part of your life. Now go to the bed and catch the good dreams.
The moon is full and bright tonight hanging on the edge of the universe to say goodnight to you.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. George Orwell, Good night.
I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars., Good Night sweet dreams Stephenie meyer.
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that i shall say good night till it be morrow.
Night is the reason you see the day. So cherish the dark blanket of the sky while the stars bring you dreams for tomorrow.
You look so beautiful when you are in bed that sleep gets naturally attracted to you. Good night sweetie.
The moon is full and bring tonighthanging on the edge of the universe tosay good night to.
Worrying about your past will ruin your present and future. Dreaming about the future will improve your present and erase the past. Which one will you do? The choice is yours buddy. Good night.
That awkward moment when Frank creeps into the girls shower room to say.
Go to sleep knowing you'll be the last thing i thing about and the first thing i thing of when i wake up to the sun beaming down and the birds chirping.
�I like the night. Without the dark, we�d never see the stars.� Good Night.
"May the blanket of night wrap you in a hundred sweet dreams, a thousand hugs and a million kisses". Good night darling.
Let the sheep jump over the moon as you count them until your eyes close shut, knowing tomorrow is filled with adventure.
Just for you, I have a sweet good night kiss. Just to you, I wish a morning full of bliss. Good night handsome".
Fear can keep us all night long, but FAITH makes one beautiful Pillow.� Have A Peaceful Good night!".
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